Dave Moulton

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From the Desk of Yours Truly

The picture above is a shot of my desk where this blog originates.

This year I went to the luxury of twin monitors; a set up that is really nice. It allows me to be writing on one screen, while looking up and researching stuff on the other screen.

Or for eample, I can be editing pictures in Photoshop on one monitor while I update my blog on the other. I can also click and drag stuff from one screen to the other; it is a huge time saver

On the wall behind the monitors is a framed poster of a Fuso Max bike I built in the early 1990s. It is signed by Antonio Columbo, son of the founder of the Columbus Tubing Company in Italy. He wrote: “To the most accurate frame builder.”

It is also signed by Valentino Campagnolo, son of Tulio Campagnolo, the founder of the world famous bicycle component company that bears his name.

The articles I write here, and the comments some of you post, are in many ways like an ongoing two-way conversation. I thought it might be a good idea to post a photo of my desk to give you a visual image of where I sit writing to you and reading your return comments.

It was a year ago, August 25th, 2008 to be exact that I announced I was quitting writing on this blog. As those still reading know, I changed my mind and resumed posting regular updates last February after a six month break.

I know from my website statistics I have about a third less readers than this time last year. It seems that much of my previous audience may not be aware that I am back.


I also get the feeling that many of my present readers are relatively new and have come on board since my return. The number of hits I get from the UK has acually increased since I came back, which is encouraging.

Many of my daily hits now come from Twitter and I only started posting there this year.

Quitting writing here was a huge mistake; but it is always easier to be wise with hindsight. Maybe I needed a break; I was certainly getting burned out and disillusioned. I was running out of ideas, and the subject matter I chose to write about was tending to bring negative comment.


It is entirely possible that the readers I lost, were as burned out as I was and have chosen not to return.

Only time will tell; maybe I am building a completely new following.


My audience is growing slowly again and as long as it continues to do so I will keep writing.

I believe the readership here is nowhere near its full potential.

When I resumed writing I told myself, if I had nothing to say then I wouldn’t post anything.

It has to be fun for me, otherwise why do it? The strange thing is, since making that resolution I have managed to come up with at least two articles a week, sometimes three.

My articles tend to be shorter than before I quit, which is probably a good thing. I don’t know about you, I find there is so much information on the Internet now, if I start to read something and it is longer than a 1,000 words or so, unless the story is really gripping, I’ll quit reading before I’m half way through.

I would be interested to hear from you, whether you are an original reader from over a year ago, or someone who came on board this year.

Also, please help spread the word that the blog is “Live” again? As always, thanks for reading, and for your comments. Your input is valuable to me and always much appreciated.


Footnote: The final picture above left is another corner of my office, and reflects my other creative outlet, namely song writing. My guitar hangs on the wall, at the ready incase I get song ideas. The picture, I don't have a clue who it is; it is just a real cool picture.



Reader Comments (36)

that's rad. I know I'm the latter, and somehow found your blog this year. maybe through the links of other blog, and I'm glad I did. I enjoy your point of view and analysis on many peripheral issues around the bicycle, even to a mellow rider as myself, they are very helpful in many ways. Cheers from the bay /meli

August 24, 2009 | Unregistered Commentermeligrosa

I'm glad I found your blog - enjoy your posts. I agree with you Re: long blog posts - unless it's something special I often break off reading half-way through.

August 24, 2009 | Unregistered CommenterStephen

For what it's worth -- I was a reader before you quit, but when you stopped I deleted your blog from my feed. It took until about June 09 before I realized you had started posting again. Perhaps other readers are still ignorant...


August 24, 2009 | Unregistered Commenter331miles

I was also a reader before you quit but I didn't delete you from my feed so I was excited when you started again and it popped back up in my reader. Enjoyed it then and enjoy it now.

August 24, 2009 | Unregistered Commentersouth

I too followed the original blog. It was just by chance that I read somewhere on a mailing list or forum that the blog was back. I bet there are many of the original readers out there who still don't know. As for "then" and "now", I feel that if the quantity has gone down, the quality has certainly improved. Keep the good stuff coming, Dave.

August 24, 2009 | Unregistered CommenterJohn B

Hi Dave,
an oldly who has returned. I like the blog (via RSS) as it has a little more depth (and thought) than twitter, which is by definition thin.

August 24, 2009 | Unregistered CommenterProdigal William

Reading it from the beginning, and glad you're back. I don't use feeds, but I just kept checking periodically. I draw the line at twitter, which I consider to be part of or a symptom of the decivilization of western society. But your blog is among a very few that I read.

August 24, 2009 | Unregistered CommenterPierre

I guess you could call me an "old" reader (in more ways than one) This June, I was going to reread one of your old stories when I discovered that you were posting again. Writing, like cycling (if you have the talent), gives a person a great reason to get up every morning.

August 24, 2009 | Unregistered CommenterGrump

Another old reader here, I noticed the blog was being updated probably in March, when I was trying to find your post about bar-wrapping. (Had to change to white wrap for the spring, you know.) Have enjoyed your posts as always.

August 24, 2009 | Unregistered Commenterdb

Hey Dave, another reader from before the hiatus here. I'm glad you are still writing, please keep it up.

August 24, 2009 | Unregistered Commentermercator

One more reader from the past. I think I started reading in summer 2007 and was ashappy as jam on toast that you came back after your break.


August 24, 2009 | Unregistered Commenterhal

I REALLY enjoyed your previous stuff. What you do now I enjoy no less. Please keep blogging Dave!

August 24, 2009 | Unregistered Commentergeoffrey

I'm an old reader too, I don't use RSS, I prefer to visit manually and see if there's anything new. I kept your site in my bookmarks just in case and I'm really glad I did!

August 24, 2009 | Unregistered Commenterlemmiwinks

I'm another old reader. Found out about your return through the grapevine sometime in March; glad you're back. Don't feel bad about taking some time off; you've paid your dues. Now's the time to do (or not do) whatever the hell you want.

August 24, 2009 | Unregistered CommenterLouis

'nother old reader, more for the bikes than anything, love to read about those that have had glory days! It really is all about the bike and the ride, wherever it takes us.

August 24, 2009 | Unregistered CommenterBill

First of all, I'm jealous of the clean desk! I too might have 2 monitors but one would never know it because they would be hidden under mounds of paperwork!

I guess I'm a recent reader dating to your return. I found your blog while contemplating, at the time, my upcoming vacation on Folly. I was drawn to it first by the tie-in to the Low Country but am now hooked by the writing. I've found your writing to fill out a lot of cycling history for me and a very nice balance to the "news of the day" bloggers. Thanks!

- Zeke

August 24, 2009 | Unregistered CommenterZeke Yount

Hi Dave,

I am an old reader too. I always had a feeling you would start up again, and so I kept checking periodically. Glad to have you back!

August 25, 2009 | Unregistered CommenterJan

I agree.
Keep it short and pertinent.
Came across your blog when searching for Dave Tesch info.

August 25, 2009 | Unregistered Commenteralex

Just started daily riding after quite a few years off the bike, and I was surprised by the almost complete absence of lugged steel bikes from bike shops in NYC. Not in a curmudgeonly way, just as a point of interest. So I was looking around for all the frame-makers I used to window-shop when I was younger to see who was still at work. And I found your blog. Nice reading. It was good to hear how your goals for riding have changed as it gave me something to work off of as I figured out what mine are now.

August 25, 2009 | Unregistered CommenterJ Ake

Thats a tricked out desk alright. You're better off than most of us who're stuck with a 600 dollar laptops and scratching our bottoms....hey hey but I'm, pretty grateful I have one.

You're an inspiration to me when I write my blog. The more words you write, the diminishing returns it brings, atleast I found that with my blog. The concept of instant gratification is no more true with blogs than it is with consumerism elsewhere. A reader wants something quick, a take home message fast. Attention deficit disorder has something to do with this, but also also lack of time. That's a sad thing about our fast times and our culture. No one has the time to sit and read a good book or a good article any more. Everyone wants to be on the internet jumping from one site to the other, spending less than 30-40 seconds on each site. That's the way I see most blog readers. Its called surfing for a reason! So to keep readers in their seats for 30 seconds after you spend almost 3 hours writing a blog post is a stark discrepancy of time allotment. I really hate this, but what do you do?

But frankly, when you have something interesting to say, it doesn't matter. You should write as much as your mind wants. Who cares. No one is paying you to cut down on word limit.

If Fuso is the most accurate bike, I'd to get one. Hook me up.


P.S : I've been reading your blog for over a year and a half, precisely.

August 25, 2009 | Unregistered CommenterRon


I'm a recent convert. Don't ask me how I found the site but it was probably via a search on Fuso. I am the original owner of #985 and your website offers some connection to the builder of what has always been my favorite bike. Remain creative and don't worry about statistics. Creativity is its own reward.

August 26, 2009 | Unregistered CommenterJim


I can't remember how I found your blog...did Bill Strickland link to it once? Or maybe another site I found linked to it. Oh well, I can't remember, but I added you to my bloglines reader maybe 3 or 4 months before you quit. I left you in the reader thinking, "You never know, he may change his mind." Glad you did.

Short and succinct is good, as long as you manage to say what you want to say.

Keep up the good work...


August 26, 2009 | Unregistered CommenterBrian

Mr Moulton,

I was lucky enough to find your blog last year only a couple of months before your sabbatical. While searching for a small (and I mean very small) older steel bike I came across one of your gorgeous bikes on ebay. I did a google search on you and the rest is history. I was quite disappointed when you stopped writing, as I had only just found your interesting and informative articles. I kept checking back and reading your old posts from time to time and I was delighted to see you were back. You are cool!


August 26, 2009 | Unregistered CommenterAdrianne

I found your blog a couple of months ago, likely through a link on copenhagen cycle chic. I am a mid-life Colorado cyclist who enjoys riding a road bike in the mountains on weekends and plain clothes mellow commuting during the week. I rarely read blogs, but love yours. I'm glad you came back to writing. Keep up the great work!

August 27, 2009 | Unregistered CommenterGlenn Hunter

I discovered your blog shortly before you quit. I was disappointed when you quit. I had just started to look through your old articles. I continued visiting occaisionally to read old articles and was pleased when you started up again. I only read two blogs regularly you and Larry Cudlow (Cudlow money politics). Might seem like an odd combination. I enjoy reading your perspective on the world and bicycles.

August 27, 2009 | Unregistered CommenterGary

I'm a newbie. Found you recently when searching for info on mini-moultons since I just bought one to restore for my missus.

August 28, 2009 | Unregistered CommenterPeeG

I'm a "new" reader, actually found your blog early this summer while trying to do my own handlebar tape for the first time. I haven't gone back to read your entire archive, but I like what I've read so far, old and new. I'll keep reading (if sporadically) as long as you keep writing! As a relative newcomer to the world of cycling and the people who live there, I enjoy yet another perspective and the bits of history you provide.

August 29, 2009 | Unregistered CommenterRob

I was a reader for some time before you quit. I didn't discover you'd started writing again until April or May. I was sure glad to see you back.

August 29, 2009 | Unregistered CommenterDoug

An old reader, returning. Was planning to re-read some of your old posts, so it's even better to see that you're back, and live.

August 29, 2009 | Unregistered CommenterGeoff

I stumbled upon your blog about 6 months ago after taking up road bike riding to rehabilitate my knee. Your site has been a wonderful inspiration to me, contributing to my being passionate about riding now and has been a source of very useful information. I hope you continue to inspire other people like myself. Thanks for choosing not to quit.

August 30, 2009 | Unregistered Commenterjt lam


I am another oldie who has just discovered that you've returned to your bike blog. I have thoroughly enjoyed your take on all things bike related. Keep up the good work. Peter

September 5, 2009 | Unregistered CommenterPeter

Hi Dave, nice to see you back. I'm an old reader who stumbled back upon you today. BTW- I have the same poster on the wall in my garage!

September 9, 2009 | Unregistered CommenterBob J

Hi Dave, To be honest I thought you had quit for good and so never bothered to look in again. I even deleted you site from my bookmarks as there was nothing new coming out. Sad but true. Funny thing is today, after more than six months, I was sitting at the computer and I suddenly thought , "Christ. Nobody writes like Dave Mouton. Maybe I need to reread some of his old stuff again just to remember how it use to be. Witty,pithy, to the point and just a sprinkle of self effacement to keep my fragile ego on the up'. What do I find? You are back on line and just as good. The rest has done you well, no mistake about that. keep tapping away Dave and I will keep reading. Not to many ex frame builders out that can work metal and words as good as you. Works for me .I shall spread the word that you have returned. Welcome back, Blogger Extraordinaire. Regards Mike

September 9, 2009 | Unregistered Commentermike dimmock

Great to hear you missed your blog and came back. I still have your detailed description on gluing tubulars on the wall in my work shop. Looking forward to more insights and your thoughts. Thanks again and glad we didn't lose you.

September 14, 2009 | Unregistered CommenterJack

Sorry for the late comment, great to see you blogging again Dave, I've only just found out you're writing again and I'm just catching up.
I'm sure if it's taken a internet junkie like myself to find you again after this time it shouldn't be too long before your readership is bigger than ever.
Keep up the great work!

November 5, 2009 | Unregistered CommenterMatt

I'm another old reader. Just discovered you are back and have devoured all of the post I'd missed. A very happy discovery. It's good to have you back, I really missed your blog when it was gone (and when I thought it was gone but it wasn't).

January 31, 2010 | Unregistered CommenterSurly Dave
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